Assignment 4

Chapter No 17 to 20

Question 1

1. Declare and initialize an empty multidimensional array. (Array of arrays)

Question 2

2. Declare and initialize a multidimensional array representing the following matrix:

Question 3

3. Write a program to print numeric counting from 1 to 10.

Question 4

4. Write a program to print multiplication table of any number using for loop. Table number & length should be taken as an input from user.

Question 5

5. Write a program to print items of the following array using for loop: fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “mango”, “orange”, “strawberry”]

Question 6

6. Generate the following series in your browser. See example output. a. Counting: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 b. Reverse counting: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 c. Even: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 d. Odd: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 e. Series: 2k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 10k, 12k, 14k, 16k, 18k, 20k

Question 7

7. You have an array A = [“cake”, “apple pie”, “cookie”, “chips”, “patties”] Write a program to enable “search by user input” in an array. After searching, prompt the user whether the given item is found in the list or not. Example:

Question 8

8. Write a program to identify the largest number in the given array. A = [24, 53, 78, 91, 12].

Question 9

9. Write a program to identify the smallest number in the given array. A = [24, 53, 78, 91, 12]

Question 10

10. Write a program to print multiples of 5 ranging 1 to 100.

Chapter No 21 to 25

Question 1

1. Write a program that takes two user inputs for first and last name using prompt and merge them in a new variable titled fullName. Greet the user using his full name.

Question 2

2. Write a program to take a user input about his favorite mobile phone model. Find and display the length of user input in your browser

Question 3

3. Write a program to find the index of letter “n” in the word “Pakistani” and display the result in your browser .

Question 4

4. Write a program to find the last index of letter “l” in the word “Hello World” and display the result in your browser.

Question 5

5. Write a program to find the character at 3rd index in the word “Pakistani” and display the result in your browser

Question 6

6. Repeat Q1 using string concat() method.

Question 7

7. Write a program to replace the “Hyder” to “Islam” in the word “Hyderabad” and display the result in your browser.

Question 8

8. Write a program to replace all occurrences of “and” in the string with “&” and display the result in your browser. var message = “Ali and Sami are best friends. They play cricket and football together.”;

Question 9

9. Write a program that converts a string “472” to a number 472. Display the values & types in your browser

Question 10

10. Write a program that takes user input. Convert and show the input in capital letters.

Question 11

11. Write a program that takes user input. Convert and show the input in title case.

Question 12

12. Write a program that converts the variable num to string. var num = 35.36 ; Remove the dot to display “3536” display in your browser.

Question 13

11. Write a program that takes user input. Convert and show the input in title case.

Question 14

14. You have an array A = [cake”, “apple pie”, “cookie”, “chips”, “patties”] Write a program to enable “search by user input” in an array. After searching, prompt the user whether the given item is found in the list or not. Note: Perform case insensitive search. Whether the user enters cookie, Cookie, COOKIE or coOkIE, program should inform about its availability. Example:

Question 15

15. Write a program to take password as an input from user. The password must qualify these requirements: a. It should contain alphabets and numbers b. It should not start with a number c. It must at least 6 characters long If the password does not meet above requirements, prompt the user to enter a valid password. For character codes of a-z, A-Z & 0-9, refer to ASCII table at the end of this document.

Question 16

16. Write a program to convert the following string to an array using string split method. var university = “University of Karachi”; Display the elements of array in your browser.

Question 17

15. Write a program to take password as an input from user. The password must qualify these requirements: a. It should contain alphabets and numbers b. It should not start with a number c. It must at least 6 characters long If the password does not meet above requirements, prompt the user to enter a valid password. For character codes of a-z, A-Z & 0-9, refer to ASCII table at the end of this document.

Chapter no 21 to 25 all questions complete
Question no 15 not understand its complete by the help of chatgpt

Chapter No 26 to 30

Question 1

1. Write a program that takes a positive integer from user & display the following in your browser. a. number b. round off value of the number c. floor value of the number d. ceil value of the number

Chapter No 26 to 30

Question 2

2. Write a program that takes a negative floating point number from user & display the following in your browser. a. number b. round off value of the number c. floor value of the number d. ceil value of the number

Chapter No 26 to 30

Question 3

3. Write a program that displays the absolute value of a number. E.g. absolute value of -4 is 4 & absolute value of 5 is 5

Chapter No 26 to 30

Question 4

4. Write a program that simulates a dice using random() method of JS Math class. Display the value of dice in your browser.:

Chapter No 26 to 30

Question 5

Question no 5. Write a program that simulates a coin toss using random() method of JS Math class. Display the value of coin in your browser

Chapter No 26 to 30

Question 6

Question no 6. Write a program that shows a random number between 1 and 100 in your browser.

Chapter No 26 to 30

Question 7

7. Write a program that asks the user about his weight. Parse the user input and display his weight in your browser. Possible user inputs can be: a. 50 b. 50kgs c. 50.2kgs d. 50.2kilograms

Chapter No 26 to 30

Question 8

8. Write a program that stores a random secret number from 1 to 10 in a variable. Ask the user to input a number between 1 and 10. If the user input equals the secret number, congratulate the user.

Chapter No 31 to 34

Question 1

1. Write a program that displays current date and time in your browser.

Chapter No 31 to 34

Question 2

2. Write a program that alerts the current month in words. For example December.

Chapter No 31 to 34

Question 3

3. Write a program that alerts the first 3 letters of the current day, for example if today is Sunday then alert will show Sun.

Chapter No 31 to 34

Question 4

4. Write a program that displays a message “It’s Fun day” if its Saturday or Sunday today.

Chapter No 31 to 34

Question 5

5. Write a program that shows the message “First fifteen days of the month” if the date is less than 16th of the month else shows “Last days of the month”.

Chapter No 31 to 34

Question 6

6. Write a program that determines the minutes since midnight, Jan. 1, 1970 and assigns it to a variable that hasn't been declared beforehand. Use any variable you like to represent the Date object.

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